Unexpected Moments: Embracing Imperfection in Family Photography | Boston Family Photographer
If there is one thing I love about photographing young kids, it’s capturing their genuine, candid personalities, with all of their sweet little expressions. Who doesn’t want to freeze a moment of their kids’ real laughter, and happiest smiling face? But we all know that is not them 100% of the time. Our kids have emotions (LOTS of them). They have focus, energy, passion, deep thought, needs, desires, and opinions. And a lot of those feelings aren’t displayed with a smile on their face, and that’s okay!
I am the biggest cheerleader for letting kids be kids, just because they are unpredictable does NOT mean your family session will be a bust. I promise you’re going to want ALL the genuine silly, quirky expressions to compliment the laughing, smiling ones.
When we ARE going for the smiley photos, don’t say cheese. I know, I know, “cheese” has been a go to since before we can remember. But usually saying cheese is a temporary fix that gets old quickly, and only really results in stiff smiles instead of those natural grins you were hoping for. Family photos are the best time to let go and get silly, and no one knows how to make your child laugh better than you do!
After years of working with families and having kids of my own, I’ve learned the best way to photograph children is to be flexible and observe. Sometimes what you plan for isn’t what you’re going to get, but your kids are awesome! Whatever comes to them naturally during our session is often infinitely better than anything we could’ve posed, especially with littles. Giving them the space to do their own thing works wonders.
Embrace their true expressions. The silly face, the mad face, the curious face, the shy-burys-her-head-in-your-shoulder face. There are so many faces that create picture perfect moments, and they’re even better because they’re authentic. If we set our goal to capturing your kid in their true authentic self, you’re going to walk away with a beautiful collection of fun, candid, lifestyle photos that you will love and cherish forever.