Boston Public Library

Boston Family Photographer | Chicago Family Visits the East Coast to Create Lasting Memories


One of our favorite places to photograph is the Boston Public Library courtyard. It is a hidden gem in Back Bay, and we had a blast photographing the Tashima Family there. They were all visiting from Chicago and Ohio, and we are so happy they picked Boston for their family photos. They were on a New England vacation together, and Boston was a stop on their way to Bar Harbor, Maine.

No one was safe from these cuties tickles and laughter!

We like to play a game called, “What’s your favorite animal?” which always entails silly animal noises. The kids’ favorite animals were zebras and penguins, leading to neighs, squawking, and chirping. The jury is still out on what a penguin sounds like.


We took a short walk down the street to some of our favorite brownstones and the fun did not stop. From Copley Square to Beacon Street the kids were giggling and smiling the whole way.


Mom and Dad got cozy under a tree and the kids snuggled in. We love capturing these special moments a family has together!

The Photography, Portrait, Architecture, and Everything-Else-I-love Blog

New blog for the new website. Out with the old, in with the new. You may have noticed my main galleries focus on architecture and portraiture. What?! They are completely different! Yes, they are, and I love them each very much for different reasons. And I’ve found that if you work your butt off, I mean really put in your weekend hours here, you can, in fact, succeed in more than one area.

In my personal work (wait, I do personal work that I don’t get paid for?! Yes that’s what keeps me sane), I am always looking for ways to combine these two loves of mine- people and spaces. I recently started a project I’ve wanted to do for years, I mean YEARS, and I am lucky enough to have found beautiful and willing dancers who are also excited about the project. I’ll expand on this much more as the project is underway, but I wanted to share a few images from our first shoot, at the Boston Public Library with the amazingly talented dancer, Lynn Guerra.

photo shoot in boston with dancer
dancer at BPL