Baby's first year: The 4 milestones you want to have photographed | Boston family photographer
New parents ask me all the time - when is the best time for baby photos? Short answer: whenever you decide to take them. Baby’s first year is all around incredible and ever-changing, so don’t stress over photographing them at the “perfect” stage. As a guideline, here are my milestone recommendations within baby’s first year:
Newborn: 5-14 days old. This is the best for those sleepy, curled up, fresh brand-new-baby photos. These are most often done in your home.
3 months: When they start to smile and respond to us is a great next milestone to capture. They may be propping themselves up in tummy time, giggling at us, making eye contact, all those fun, responsive things they couldn’t do as a newborn. I absolutely adore those little toothless gummy grins.
7-9 months: If you’ve followed me for a while you may know that this is my absolute favorite age to photograph. When babies are sitting up on their own, but not quite crawling away yet, and entertained by absolutely everything. I love it. (I also considered this one of the most fun ages with both of my kids). It’s fleeting - they’re going to be on the move in a blink - and it’s really fun to photograph.
One year: The one year milestone is an obvious one. I don’t love it because we get the cutest, most smiley expressions from them, I love it because there’s so much going on with them physically and developmentally, I think it’s essential to freeze time at this age. Whether your baby is taking their first steps or not, they are exploring how to walk and all the possibilities that come with it. They are usually very into mom and/or dad, but also starting to gain their first taste of independence.
Taking on Toddlers During Your Newborn Shoot | Boston Photographer
Just days into embarking on their journey with three kids, the Gillespies were ready to capture some precious moments with their brand new baby and his older siblings. With mom and dad having two toddlers in tow, I was more than happy to be welcomed into their South Boston home for a cozy indoor session. Having two young kids of my own has made newborn shoots even more special to me, give me all the baby snuggles! Also, Charlie was a total natural, and went along with whatever we wanted.
Annie and Jack were so excited to show us all around their home to help scope out their favorite spots to play. As I received the formal stuffed animal introduction, I had dad giving the performance of a lifetime just behind my head while I snapped some playful, candid photos. Between the giggling and jumping on the bed we lost count of how many times we lost Annie’s bow in the silliness, but somehow she had it on for every photo.
The bow itself was the cherry on top of the family’s coordinating wardrobe. The Gillespies pulled a page right from our style guide and accented their neutral-toned outfits with pops of blue. All of which looked great against the backdrop of their home. It's easy to overlook your own bedroom as a photo location, but I find they tend to make a great spot to get comfortable in front of the camera.
After exhausting the photo opportunities in the bedrooms we relocated to the kitchen to break out everyone’s favorite: snacks. When discussing prep for the session I always recommend bringing along your kid’s favorite (non-messy) treat to break out when their patience starts running low. Once we had Goldfish coupled with the rare opportunity to sit on the counter, the kids got the second wind.
The shoot ended with the whole family (including the dog) piled onto the couch to snuggle and love on baby Charlie. What made this such a successful family session was everyone’s attitude. Mom and dad were easygoing, we gave the toddlers some freedom so they had fun the whole time, and this allowed us to capture these genuine, authentic family moments.
Boston Portrait Photographer | Newborn Twins in Back Bay
In their cozy of Back Bay home, we met Shannon, her husband Daryl, and their newborn twins for a truly special photoshoot. The twins had come earlier than planned, and were just 5 lbs each. But as the saying goes, good things come in small packages. We started out the photoshoot in the twins’ nursery that was designed by Shannon.
With a palette of creams, gold, silver, and rose gold, as well as stars and furs scattered throughout the room, the nursery was the embodiment of Shannon’s vision for the photoshoot. The twins were just beginning to nod off as we swaddled the two of them in soft pink and blue wraps.
As we started the shoot, Oscar the cat slunk his way into the room. He sat patiently and watched us as we worked, keeping a watchful eye over his new roommates. Halfway though, Grandma popped in to see how her new grandchildren were doing, and found them fast asleep comfy in the fabric and fur that was their background.
After finishing in the nursery, Shannon, Daryl, the twins, and even Oscar joined us in Mom and Dad’s room. The family piled onto the bed and snuggled close, again surrounded in the pinks and creams that Shannon so thoughtfully decorated with.
The results reflect the warmth and love found in their home. Congratulations Shannon and Daryl on your growing family!
Boston Family Portrait Photographer | Baby Henry
Welcome Henry! This little guy was a over a week old when we met him at his family home in Danvers. The life of a newborn is tough; lots of sleeping, eating, and posing for the camera. But thankfully, he has two big brothers to help him out.
These cuties are full of energy. Getting three little ones to look at the camera and smile can take some trial and error, but I loved capturing the spontaneous and loving moments this family has together.
From running around playing make believe to dancing along with their favorite toys, they always had time to give a gentle kiss on Henry’s forehead. I absolutely melted when Sully kept on telling me how much he loved his new brother. Mom and Dad are going to have their hands full with these lively boys, but this little family has grown bigger in both numbers and love!